Aqua Hot Furnace

  • 10/23/2019 7:35 AM
    Message # 8072961

    I keep the Aqua Hot ( for the water heater) set on electric but have had to use the furnace a couple times. Will the furnace also run on electric or does it switch to diesel automatically? I don’t have any propane in the MH, a  2019 Discovery LXE. 

  • 01/26/2020 3:13 AM
    Reply # 8684542 on 8072961

    Suggest YouTube
    Certified Mobile RV Technician, Darren Koepp, .  Find out all sorts of detailed information on what you should be doing annually on your AquaHot system! Very informative videos, explains in simple terms and correlates through his videos


  • 02/18/2020 7:49 PM
    Reply # 8755460 on 8072961
    Deleted user


    Your Aqua hot can run on electric or Diesel, with electric you are somewhat limited as the electric side does not have the BTU's the diesel side has. If you tap the electric and the diesel switches, according to other users you will get the benefit of using the electric while if the demand is needed the diesel will kick in!

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