At Fleetwood Motorhome Assoc. Inc. we are always happy to hear from you. Click on the appropriate "Contact Us" subcategory (located on the left menu bar) for specific directed questions. Please keep in mind that Board Directors are all Volunteers and will respond to your questions as soon as possible.  We promise to review your message and reply to your request quickly if a reply is necessary. 

Please Note: Fleetwood Motorhome Association, Inc. and our officers are unable to assist you with any dispute or are we allowed to mediate any misunderstanding either with the Manufacture or a Dealer.

May we also suggest checking our FAQ Page (Frequently Asked Questions) or Forum which is updated often with some of the latest questions asked by our Members and Non-Members.

As our Board of Directors love to use their RV's and are often on the road, our Bricks and Sticks address and delegated contact info is listed below.

Fleetwood Motorhome Association, Inc.

Permanent Address

Fleetwood Motorhome Association, Inc.

c/o Louis Johnson 

226 N 5th Ave

Rome, Georgia 30165

FMA President 

John Sorensen


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