Lots of Water coming in Retracting Slide 2019 Southwind 35K

  • 10/11/2019 1:22 PM
    Message # 7952221
    Deleted user

    When I bring in the main slide, there's a lot of water that collected on the top.  When you make the first turn leaving the park, I get dumped on.  I assume the the top seal is not sweeping it off as it's retracting.  It doesn't have to rain, it does it when we use the A/C.  Everytime.  I can't understand how the condensation is getting under the topper from the A/C.  Could the A/C not be draining correctly?  Any thoughts?  

  • 10/14/2019 10:43 PM
    Reply # 7960224 on 7952221
    Deleted user

    I also have the same RV.... I do not have that issue.... But..... Where does your A/C condensation go? mine drains to the driver side front.... perhaps bumping the leveling to the front?


  • 01/28/2020 7:53 AM
    Reply # 8697098 on 7952221

    I also have a 19 Southwind 35K, but had a similar problem with a previous coach.

    Before retracting the slides I raise the front jacks allowing the water to drain off the back.

    Hope this helps.

  • 01/29/2020 12:02 PM
    Reply # 8700567 on 7952221

    Stop the slide about half way in and give the water time to run off.  It also help to raise the front jacks a little.

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