2008 discovery transfer switch question

  • 07/31/2015 9:49 AM
    Message # 3459042
    Deleted user

    Pulled into camp with generator running house air. Shut generator and set up coach for camp. plugged in electrical cord (50 Amp) and no power to coach. Had a repair guy come out and he assumed the switch is bad and bypassed it so i could have power. It was 100 degrees outside. Question is how do I try to reset this switch. I have him coming back out to put it back together. At the time we assumed it was bad I did not realize it shows a code. Not sure what the code is but will get when he puts back together

  • 12/30/2015 8:29 AM
    Reply # 3731890 on 3459042
    Deleted user

    Earlier this year the contacts in the transfer switch on my former 2008 Bounder 38P  fused together. $735 later a new switch was installed.

    Last modified: 12/30/2015 8:29 AM | Deleted user
  • 12/31/2015 8:34 AM
    Reply # 3734001 on 3459042
    Deleted user
    The TS on our 2014 Bounder 35k was intermittent earlier this year.  If we gave it a hard thump, it would come back on, but wouldn't stay on for long.  We were leaving on a trip to Disney with our grandchildren in two days, so had to get an emergency replacement.  Just like the OP, to the tune of almost $800.

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