air vent front of Flleetwood 35e

  • 02/23/2025 3:28 PM
    Message # 13466651

    there is a large vent at the front and it goes directly outside, there is a small aluminun filter on the outside. In the colld, the air flows into the cabin with no resistance, what is this for and why? Is there a way to block this off?

    thanks In advance

  • 03/02/2025 12:18 AM
    Reply # 13469520 on 13466651
    Al Venditti (Administrator)

    Do you have a picture? Is it above your Onan Generator?

  • 03/09/2025 6:53 PM
    Reply # 13472652 on 13469520
    Al Venditti wrote:

    Do you have a picture? Is it above your Onan Generator?

    I will take a picture when I am back with the unit. It is the big vent behind the opening under the radio. And above the onan is an aluminum filter the leads directly into the same vent in the cab,


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