Turn wifi on

  • 07/07/2024 12:36 PM
    Message # 13379051

    Our main TV keeps showing wifi is turned off, but where do I turn it on to hook up to our starlink.  The TV in bedroom has connected to our starlink but the main TV keeps showing wifi is off.  I cannot find the place to turn it on.  I find the place about connection but no place turn on

  • 07/08/2024 5:28 AM
    Reply # 13379218 on 13379051

    What make if TV is it? Typically this is just a setting within the TV itself.

  • 07/10/2024 3:11 PM
    Reply # 13380469 on 13379218
    Stephen & Susan Mills wrote:

    What make if TV is it? Typically this is just a setting within the TV itself.

    It is an LG and I have looked in every area to turn wifi on I just cannot find it.  Tv in bedroom is hooked up but the main one I just cannot find where to turn it on
  • 07/17/2024 5:51 AM
    Reply # 13382994 on 13379051

    I have the same problem. Bedroom and Outside TV are hooked up but not the main in the Living Room. My TV is a Samsung.

  • 08/09/2024 12:10 PM
    Reply # 13392133 on 13379051

    Were you able to find out the problem?



  • 08/10/2024 10:04 AM
    Reply # 13392399 on 13379051

    If it's like our LG, hit the "settings" button, scroll down and select "all settings".  That should bring up menu that includes "Network settings".  You can select Wifi from there.

    Last modified: 08/10/2024 10:05 AM | James Hillenmayer
  • 08/14/2024 8:01 PM
    Reply # 13393987 on 13379051

    I'm new to my Bounder 35K, but it has a box that lets me send the same source signal to all tv's or a different source signal to each tv.  If you have such a box is you're wayward tv getting the same source signal as your other tv(s)?

    And, what I'm suggesting may have nothing at all to do with your situation.  As I said, I'm new to my Bounder.  I've had it only since June 7.

    Hope you get it worked out.


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