We have a 2023 fleetwood discovery lxe 36hq and in March 2024 my husband had the inside handle break off while trying to exit the motorhome. We had always had wind noise while driving, very hard to open and had to slam closed. Took it to dealer in Florida in November 2023 for this issue of slamming and noise and they added a very thick weather trim which made slam worse and never solved wind noise. I replaced the handle on my own and we added the door issue to our list of repairs to be made while at scheduled appointment at the REV service center in Decatur IN April 2024. The service center technicians repairs to door was to remove all weather stripping in door area and replace only the outside door strip. They silicone caulked more around the outside edge of door. They made a remark that the curved upper part of the door was a design flaw that due to no hinge in upper section of door not existing this is what causes the wind noise while driving and they did the best they could at minimizing it. Repair was done in one day at the service center and we no longer have to slam the door and the wind noise is gone. The door is so much easier to open and close. We were extremely satisfied with the service at REV service center in Decatur IN.