No 120 VAC curbside receptacles, 2004 Revolution

  • 03/05/2013 4:56 PM
    Message # 1234551
    Lost power after attempting to use hair dryer at ground fault plug at bathroom sink. I have 121 volts leaving the breaker at the panel, no voltage at either pair of wires at that ground fault location. Buss bar connections all secure as well as breaker connections. Is there any connections that could be at fault between the panel and the receptacal? I will appreciate any info anyone can provide.
  • 03/06/2013 4:21 PM
    Reply # 1235484 on 1234551
    Deleted user
    Have you pushed on the reset button of the receptacle?
  • 03/12/2013 1:29 PM
    Reply # 1240790 on 1234551
    Deleted user
    I had that problem with my 05 Discovery,turned out to be one of the breakers on the inverter each one feeds a side. Called Fleetwood and they said to reset them and that was it. Good luck Jim G
  • 03/12/2013 3:42 PM
    Reply # 1240910 on 1234551
    Had similar problem on my 2005 Providence; vacuum would not work when door switch raised; after troubleshooting checking fuses at Inverter etc that the circuit 3 topside outlets and one basement outlet are powered by generator (Onan 7.5); C/B 30 amp was tripped on Generator once reset I reset GFI on one outlet on circuit and presto; bottom line some 120v outlets powered by Inverter and others by shorepower/genset
  • 06/01/2013 8:50 PM
    Reply # 1307155 on 1234551
    Try resetting the GFI first and that will probably be your problem. If this doesn't work, I would replace the GfI. Hair dryers and GFI's are not always user friendly.

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