2008 Southwind water heater temp

  • 12/29/2021 3:33 PM
    Message # 12223382

    What is the expected temp of hot water at the kitchen sink?  Problem is shower temp, which is colder because its winter and longer hose feed, but in general at kitchen sink which is closest to the water heater I get hot hot water only if I've let it run for 10 to kick on the reheat.  But even then its only hot for a few mins then down to warm.  Thinking I need a new water heater, but worried will have same problem with new heater if this is expected, thoughts anyone?

  • 12/30/2021 11:54 AM
    Reply # 12225784 on 12223382

    no response required please, found the issue and resolved.  Thanks to the Tech Tips feed I found several references to closing the valves to the shower hose in the wet locker.  Hard to believe that this long standing Fleetwood issue could actually reduce the water temp that much, but sure enough the water is scalding at all outlets now after closing both hot and cold valves.

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